Reynolds Road 7 Day Medical Centre is pleased to announce that Dr John Iyamu, Dr Manal Hussain & Dr Laith Al-Ani are now commenced practice at Applecross SKINscreen and is open for bookings. Our doctors offers a comprehensive and professional range of skin cancer services including full skin examination, urgent mole checks and a range of surgical procedures including skin cancer removal and biopsy.


Full Skin Examination

“Urgent” Spot check

Skin Biopsy

Mole Scan
How to find us
Find us on the Left hand side as you drive from the Raffles towards Fremantle, at the traffic lights opposite McDonalds, above the Woolworths shopping Centre. Free undercover car bays in the two basement levels (disabled parking bays available in basement 2). Take the elevator to the first floor and turn right.
Please see the map below for detailed location :